Been working on a little something!
The start of this month has been mad busy, lots going on at work and at home... shortly, I shall be decorating for real, rather than just virtually. My university course starts in October, so a busy busy year ahead for me.
I have been working on a new lot to share, though the process has been painfully slow. It's an inspired house that takes attributes from buddhist temples and Indonesian stilt houses to create a truly wonderful home.
My latest peice is called Chibalba. Okay! so I know this is the Mayan name for "the underworld" but please don't reflect too much on the meaning; I just think it's a lovely sounding word. Chibalba - pronounced She-bal-ba.
Anyway I hope that it gets accepted and uploaded to share with you guys here in the TSR Community, I like to give a little something back. However if it doesn't you can always find it here (my personal blog) if you're interested in downloading.
Thanks for reading
x x x